
High Speed Universal Robotic Box Cutter (HS-UBC)

Opens boxes of varying shapes and sizes at high speed, for non-sanitary operations.

Industry Meat Med
Industry Dairy Med
Industry Logistics Med
Open boxes of varying shapes and sizes safely and efficiently, with high-speed operation.

This high-speed variation of the Universal Box Cutter, or HS-UBC, automates the task of opening boxes and is capable of processing up to 16 boxes per minute through its twin lane configuration.

It uses the latest vision technology to automatically detect carton shape and size, and create real-time 3D images to determine the appropriate cut profile for each carton. It can open various carton sizes on the fly, without the need for operator intervention, and is even capable of processing damaged boxes.


  • Operations where product is required to be removed from corrugated cardboard boxes
  • Suitable for non-sanitary applications
  • Line speeds of up to 16 boxes per minute


  • A single machine which handles multiple carton formats
  • Fully automated – operator input not required
  • Reduces labour requirements, allowing staff to be re-deployed to higher value work
  • Eliminates manual handling, knives and the associated risk of injury


  • Capable of handling damaged cartons
  • Capable of cutting carton straps and bands
  • Cut profiles can be customised
  • Can be used as a standalone solution or integrated with other automated systems including depalletising, product unloading and conveying


Recognised as a world leader in automated reverse packaging and product handling systems, we acquired Haden & Custance (H&C) in 2016.

While many other companies provide solutions to putting product into packaging, we are specialists in removing packaging from product ready for further processing.

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