
Wyma Coolers

Combat food waste with effective post-harvest cooling.

Industry Horticulture Med
Post-harvest cooling is a crucial step in preserving the freshness and quality of produce by rapidly lowering its temperature.

The cooling process slows down physiological changes, inhibits microbial growth and extends the shelf-life of fresh produce. Efficient cooling techniques ensure that crops maintain their nutritional value and visual appeal, enhancing their marketability and reducing post-harvest losses.

Hydro-Cooler for Loose Produce

Hydro-Coolers quickly reduce the core temperature of fresh produce, extending shelf-life while preserving flavour and appearance.

Water is sprayed over a heat exchanger which is cooled to several degrees below freezing by refrigerant. As the water passes over the heat exchanger, the water cools to a user-set temperature. Cooled water then floods down onto produce. Water is collected in a tank at the base of the Hydro-Cooler for recycling.

We have two types of Hydro-Cooler that can handle loose produce:

  • Hydro-Cooler for loose produce: Produce travels by conveyor through the Hydro-Cooler. Produce can be partially or fully submerged in water. An outfeed elevator gently carries produce to the next stage in your line. Suitable for carrots, potatoes, parsnips, etc.
  • Flow-through Hydro-Cooler for small plastic bins or loose produce: Bins or loose produce travel by conveyor through the Hydro-Cooler. Produce is sprayed with cooled water. This model is commonly used for broccoli, asparagus, cherries, radishes and beetroot (beet).

Hydro-Cooler for Produce in Bins

Hydro-Coolers quickly reduce the core temperature of fresh produce, extending shelf-life while preserving flavour and appearance.

Water is sprayed over a heat exchanger which is cooled to several degrees below freezing by refrigerant. As the water passes over the heat exchanger, the water cools to a user-set temperature. Cooled water then floods down onto produce (loose or in bins). Water is collected in a tank at the base of the Hydro-Cooler for recycling.

Flow-through Hydro-Cooler for large plastic bins: Large bins travel by conveyor through the Hydro-Cooler tank. Produce is sprayed with cooled water. This model is great for bulk bin traceability.

For large tonnages, laned Hydro-Coolers are available (up to three lanes) to save space and cost.

Learn more: https://www.wymasolutions.com/product-category/cooling-preserving


Wyma post-harvest vegetable and fruit handling equipment is recognised as world leading and used by processors in more than 50 countries. We added Wyma to our portfolio through an acquisition in 2023.

The Wyma product range includes bulk product handling, washing, drying, peeling, cooling, inspection, packaging and more. Complete line solutions are available for processing carrots, onions, potatoes and fruit.

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